Busyness Update

My business cards arrived yesterday.  I feel like I’m finally in business!  Full marks to Goodprint – the card quality is very good and the print as good as it could be given the quality of the artwork I gave them (I’ve still got a lot to learn).

I’ve spent this afternoon writing my pricing list and designing a letterhead to match the business card.  I now have an A4 price list on headed paper sitting next to me on the printer. 

This morning, I saw a client for a second session.  I love this work.  I get so much satisfaction from helping people figure out what they want from life.

Yesterday I got to grips with planning what I need to do for my business.  I created an overwhelming number of postits, most of which fell into the ‘start-up’ category.  After an initial panic, I managed to sort out a few which need to be done first – one of which was my pricing strategy – tick.

I’ve also been sketching people.  This week in art class, we sketched from a skeleton and from sports photos.  We are learning how the body is put together, and how it moves.  I need to make legs longer – I always draw people with short little legs.  Perhaps that’s because I’ve got short legs 😉

A business card is born

This week in art class, we started to look at visual communication.  This involved getting lots of magazines, ripping out pictures and text and sticking them together in odd combinations.  Great fun.  It also taught us something about how images and text together can be presented on the page to communicate a mood or a story – design basics.

Business cardWhich gave me the confidence to have a go at designing my own business card.  I’ve used Paintshop Pro (which you can get at a fraction of the price of something like Photoshop).  However, there isn’t much documentation to help you use it as a design tool rather than a piece of photo manipulation software, so I had to do a lot of ‘click and see’ type learning to find out how to use it.  I’m quite pleased with the results though.

I’ve uploaded the artwork to Goodprint and ordered my first batch of business cards.  They do 400gsm which is a good weight, but I’ve yet to see the quality.  Fingers crossed.