We finally got a stable connection yesterday. Broadband arrived on Wednesday, but then we found that our crackly phone line did mean that we would keep dropping the connection. We managed to persuade BT to send out an engineer, who fiddled about with the junction box and managed to fix us. So, I’m back online.
Today, the sun is out, the sky is blue (apart from the contrails) and the light is like permanent early morning (because of the hills I guess). We went for a walk this morning – up a steep narrow walled track carpeted with leaves and smelling of stone and wood. Up and up and up (I am going to get fit here) until we reached the moor. A sheep sat on a rocky outcrop above us, silhouetted against the blue sky. She had curved horns and a pretty face, and I wished I’d brought my camera up. Would it be a ‘she’ with horns?
There is a standing stone at the junction of footpaths where reputedly people leave an offering of loose change on the top. Kids used to run a marathon up there (hardy little critters) and nick the money from the top. There are views of Hebden Bridge and across to Studley Pike, and along Cragg Vale valley and along the Calderdale valley towards Halifax. The air is clear and washed-clean smelling, and the moors are quiet apart from the occasional grouse panicking.
This is home. It is in my blood and in my bones.
There’s just so much to write. I’ll catch up in bite-size chunks. And next time I go out, I will take the camera.