Home made canvas stretcher

I’m so proud of myself!  I’ve been sawing, chiseling, drilling, hammering, stapling, and – er – using a screwdriver!  This is all new stuff for cack-handed me.  And only the one incident.  I didn’t know that drills could go round the wrong way.  Never mind, the drill bit managed to burn its way through the wood with all the friction, and I love the smell of woodsmoke. 

Here is my first home made canvas stretcher.  I’m now sizing it with PVA, and will then prime with emulsion before I can paint on it.

canvas stretcher before canvasdetail showing quadrantcorner lap jointreverse of canvascorner on reversefront of canvasneatly folded corner

5 thoughts on “Home made canvas stretcher

  1. Wow that looks SO professional Carole! Can`t wait to see what you paint – so rewarding to actually create everything from scratch.
    It is amazing to look back over what you have achieved on your journeys, you should be very proud.

  2. Pingback: Carole Kirk » Tired now …

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