Cutlery – daily drawing

cutleryOK, so this isn’t a fabulous drawing.  But it is my daily drawing practice.  I drew it straight with pen, and just drew again over the lines that didn’t work first time.  I also attempted a simple monochrome wash – I’ll practice this more I think.

Do you ever have those days when you think ‘that’s it, I really can’t draw’. 

That’s how I feel just now – and I plan to keep drawing right through those days, because I know something will happen and I’ll suddenly be out of the other side again.  That’s just what seems to happen.


3 thoughts on “Cutlery – daily drawing

  1. Do you ever have those days when you think ‘that’s it, I really can’t draw’.

    Yep. ‘Bout every third time I pick up a pencil.

  2. It’s reassuring to hear I’m not alone!! I *know* you can draw, so if you experience this syndrome, then it must be some sort of temporary insanity.

  3. Ohhh yes..more often than I want! In fact I’m right there today, like yesterday and the day before…I just threw everything against the wall!
    Good drawing and nice controlled lines

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